On one hand, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II will launch in less than two months with the multiplayer beta kicking off later this month. Unfortunately, it appears that Infinity Ward will bring back one of the most annoying weapons in Call of Duty history. The Riot Shield earned its infamy by effectively being a cheat item. Before its removal, players would whip it out in the middle of the gunfight. At that point, victims could do next to nothing but watch as the wielder one shotted them with a melee attack despite their best efforts. Although the Riot Shield requires a certain amount of skill to use, you can abuse it. Keep in mind that there’s a reason why the weapon is no longer in the game. We’re pretty sure that things haven’t changed drastically enough for Infinity to reintroduce it. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of the Riot Shield, Modern Warfare II will have it. You can make out an operator in the single-player campaign mode hiding behind the Riot Shield in the trailer below. If you think about it though, it makes sense for Modern Warfare II to have the Riot Shield. The Riot Shield debuted in 2009’s Modern Warfare. Since Modern Warfare II is a reboot of the sequel, it should have the Riot Shield. However, we’re hoping Infinity will implement the weapon better this time around. Otherwise, don’t expect to see the Riot Shield stick around in MWII for too long. Speaking of MWII, keep an eye out for the Call of Duty Next event on the 15th. Hopefully, we’ll find out more about the return of the original MW2 maps in MWII by then.

Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II will bring back the Riot Shield - 23Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II will bring back the Riot Shield - 64Call of Duty  Modern Warfare II will bring back the Riot Shield - 83